Could you elaborate on how you're interpreting the server log?

> tmux got ^A, ^U and ^D correctly

My report is regarding ^A, ^E and ^K (to correct it, ^U seems to be
working. I'm not sure if I made some mistake or if something changed).

The fact that tmux got ^A is perhaps the thread I should tug on.

> Do you see if them if you run cat inside tmux and do the same?

^A, ^K and ^E print inside cat, but they also do so outside tmux, so that
seems ok. Arrow keys print as well rather than moving the cursor.

$ echo $TERM
$ cat  # pressing a b c ctrl-a ctrl-e ctrl-k left-arrow

(I assume you aren't interested in the result that cat prints when I hit

^U is the only key that works for me inside cat as it does outside cat.
Does that seem reasonable?
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