> tree. Who is actually FIXING the 3.2 bugs and trying to get a better
> container on the old architecture? Not certainly Costin, Nacho or the

Please be carefull when you write something about anybody, have a look
at commits please... Henri, P. Delisle and I are the only ones here that
had contribute to ALL present versions of Tomcat, *ALL* dont forget
that, and i feel involved on ALL of them, if this is a waste of my poor
capacities , well no problem i do with my time what i want , i do not
admit opinions on that..

You were kids, are kids, and will be kids, regardles of your age, if you
continue playing with invaluable items as is the confidence of your
people ( as i am like it or not, i'm in your side dont forget that ).
And you are losting my confidence with every flame you put in public
lists. We are all here for another reason that hear you scream.

I'm too old ( 35 FYI ) to believe that the volume of your voice gives
you more reason than i have, no.

I believe that architecture of 3.3 is right one. Why we are not talking
about that ? because there arent technical arguments against my believes
? are you truly sure that tomcat 4.0 is right when perfomace comes to
discussion ? well i think this is the stuff that matters, and nobody can
assure that until products mature and are compared in a controlled
environment. It seems that putting this thread under technical glass i
can not find any bit of technical arguments, i need to go at least 6
month back  to read something techincal about it.

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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