On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Rob S. wrote:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe the whole focus of 3.3 / 3.2.x thing, is
> that neither of them will be all that they could be because the resources
> are so limited and divided.
> Of what value would enhancing JServ to the point of technical perfection, be
> right now when it is clearly not the direction things are headed?  To me, if
> someone said, "i want to make all these great changes to JServ" I'd be like,
> "ok sure, but no one is going to use it since it's old school.  Why not help
> out the people on 3.2.x or 4.0?"  HOWEVER!  3.1 and 3.2.1 are being used by
> LOTS of people, so lots of people would benefit by releasing a killer 3.2.x
> or 3.3 or 3.9 as Pier puts it.  In this regard, I can totally agree with the
> general idea of "making 3.2.x better!"

i second this. 
good,stable, bug free servlet engine now 
with load balancing -> tomcat 3.2.x (equivalent to apache 1.3.x)
development, future release servlet engine
with sessions in permanent storage -> tomcat 4.x (equiv. to apache 2.x)

Merge the 3.3 code tree with 3.2 and make it better..dropping 3.3
is much better than struggling with a dead end tree/codebase and it
will make 3.2.x better for all. 
Any project should have only ONE development path..just like linux 
2.3.x->2.4.x and one stable like linux 2.2.x...any other simply
wastest resources which arent available in the first place.

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