on 12/21/2000 11:11 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tomcat3.3 is designed to allow multiple facades - while it'll be only a
> servlet 2.2 container, people can make a Servlet2.3 module available and
> you will be able to do a gradual transition ( and  when all your
> applications are 2.3 you could switch to another 2.3 container ).

That is a bad "excuse" as all 2.3 containers need to be backward compatible
with 2.2. It is part of the spec. You actually end up clarifying that little
fact below.

Let me also state that after having just migrated a fairly complex Turbine
based application from Tomcat 3.x to 4.0, I can state that I had to make
absolutely NO changes to any of my files in order to do this. I'm not
worried about the future being on top of Tomcat 4.x.

> Speaking of future, the same thing can happen when the next servlet spec
> is released - and again you could use tomcat3.3 to have a smooth future.
> I know how painfull it is to upgrade a production server - how many small
> things will stop working and many things will be different.

And I'm 100% sure you will be able to use 4.0 as a base for future Servlet
API's as well. What is your point here?

> Yes, a Servlet2.3 container should run any 2.2 servlet - but will this be
> true for Servlet 3.0 ( or 2.4 or whatever will be next ) ?
> ( not to mention that there are still 2.2 servlets that have problems
> moving from one 2.2 container to another :-)

You can't promise that for Tomcat 3.3. If you go away, there is absolutely
no promise that someone else will pick up and implement whatever the latest
spec is on top of Tomcat 3.x.

However, you CAN promise that someone will do it on Tomcat 4.x because that
is the direction that Sun is going and Sun will pay someone to do it as long
as J2EE is around (which I don't see it going away any time soon, if
anything, it is getting larger and more important with the .NET crap).

> And another "read of the future" - you can be sure you'll have a better
> and better container as we move forward. Having more than one solution is
> allways better then having only one, and as long as none is perfect I'm
> sure some synergy can exist ( or at least I'm trying to learn and reuse
> as much as possible from 4.0 - so whatever will happen in the future in
> 4.0 can happen in 3.3 too )

Very true, but not under the ASF because you will be forked elsewhere as you
have already stated.

p.s. I hear that Resin is a very good container. That doesn't stop the ASF
from providing one as well. Competition is good. I like forks and your fork
would be the first fork of the Tomcat platform. I am totally +1 on that
without a doubt because it proves that the people here at the ASF are
producing quality code.



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