on 1/3/2001 10:24 PM, "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ug.
> Checked over the archives and didn't see this
> Why are we using JAXP and ProjectX which are both Closed Source and
> proprietary
> to SUN Microsystems.  This is a Bad Thing.  We already have an awesome XML
> parser and I would say just *drop* the abstraction... not worth the loss of
> Freedom :(.  

JAXP itself is just a parser API that the parser implements. Nothing big
about that. I wouldn't fret it. It is also under the JCP so that is
supposedly somewhat OSS in that if you bitch loudly enough to enough people,
you will get let in. Well maybe.

> This came up because I am having problems with ProjectX..

Actually, Tomcat 4.x is using Crimson as its parser by default. It is OSS.
Maybe you should use that instead.


p.s. Kevin, it is nice to see that you have finally stopping the PGP signing
of your messages, that was so annoying, however now your .sig has about 10
lines of additional crap at the bottom. Maybe you could compress it a bit.


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