On 1/3/01 10:24 PM, "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why are we using JAXP and ProjectX which are both Closed Source and
> proprietary
> to SUN Microsystems.  This is a Bad Thing.  We already have an awesome XML
> parser and I would say just *drop* the abstraction... not worth the loss of
> Freedom :(.  

Then why are you using Java which is composed of code most of which isn't
under a free license and is proprietary to either Sun and/or its partners?
Is that worth the loss of Freedom?

Having a problem with Project X doesn't mean scrapping the use of JAXP --
esp since two implementations of the parser and the impl of the transform
engine is under the ASF license. Or should we just hard code the
dependencies and not let people choose which parser to use?

James Duncan Davidson                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                                  !try; do()

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