----- Original Message -----
From: Craig R. McClanahan

Thanks for looking into the problem. I think the I was not able to convey
the problem properly. I have some clarifications below.

> The session object is valid for more than one request, but only up until
the time that it is invalidated.  After that, further access to the old
session object is illegal.

Agreed. But this is not what I am doing. The session is valid.
You can remove the lines of code
listed below from the code I posted and still you will get the Exception.
Remove the following two lines and follow the steps mentioned in the earlier
mail to reproduce the error.
if(objSession != null)

> The reason you see a behavior difference is that Tomcat 3.1 did not
recycle session object instances, but Tomcat 3.2 does.

There lies the catch and the source of problem in my understanding.
 In different requests relating to
the same session, I may get referance to HttpSessionFacade instances which
are different, but I expect them to be same (although not guarantied by
specs but I thought it was a tacit agreement between container and servlet
developer). What I suggest is that tomcat should recycle the
HttpSessionFacade instance only when the HttpSession instance is
recycled.This might be more inefficient as it will result in N instances on
HttpSessionFacade if there are N valid sessions on the server, where as in
the present scenario, if my understanding is correct, there will be X
instances of HttpSessionFacade if there are X simultaneous requests. and X
is less than N.

To be more elaborate:
Lets us assume the following scenario.

1. A request comes which creates a new session. A HttpSession object (HS1)
is created and the Facade object (HSF1) wraps around it.
2. I store a referance to the session in the context that is a handle to
HSF1 which maps to the userid.
2. Another request comes from the same session . The object made available
to the request is not necessarily HSF1 and may be HSFx which wraps around
3. At this point in time HSF1 may wrapped around another instance of HS or
nothing at all ( null).
4. I get the handle to the session which I want to invalidate from the
context which is HSF1. Now I am in trouble due to the point above.

In my opinion HSF1 should not refer to any other session till HS1 is
invalidated (or timed out).

What should I do to avoid this problem?

Why am I storing the referance of a session in context?
I want to prevent double login of the same user and on
the second login want to invalidate his previous login. The second login may
be from a different machine with no valid session.


> Craig McClanahan

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