Gokul Singh wrote:
> [...]
> > The reason you see a behavior difference is that Tomcat 3.1 did not
> recycle session object instances, but Tomcat 3.2 does.
> There lies the catch and the source of problem in my understanding.
>  In different requests relating to
> the same session, I may get referance to HttpSessionFacade instances which
> are different, but I expect them to be same (although not guarantied by
> specs but I thought it was a tacit agreement between container and servlet
> developer). 
> [...]

The spec may not be explicit enough about this, but the session object
you get back from the getSession() object is a container-managed object
that the application is not supposed/allowed to keep long-lived
to. It's the same as with all other container-objects made available to
application; request, response, JSP tag handlers, etc.

I'm not sure why you're keeping references to the session objects in
you're application, but if you describe what you're trying to do I'm
sure I can give you a hint about another way to accomplish the same
thing without the problems you have with your current solution.
Hans Bergsten           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software         http://www.gefionsoftware.com
Author of JavaServer Pages (O'Reilly), http://TheJSPBook.com

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