"Christopher K. St. John" wrote:

> "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> >
> > If your server implements session swapping or distribution (as we are currently
> > developing in the 4.1 repository), it is pretty much guaranteed that different
> > session object instances may be used during the lifetime of the same session.
> >
>  But don't you get session lifecycle events if that happens?

Yes ... sessionWillPassivate() before the old session is removed, and
sessionDidActivate() after the new one has been installed.

My point in the remark above is that it is *not* a good assumption that a session
instance will be the same physical object throughout the session's lifetime.  And, on
a servlet 2.2 based server, there is no mechanism to tell you when it changes,
because the events are new to 2.3.

> -cks


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