"Pier P. Fumagalli" wrote:
> I got pretty upset with a couple of guys whose messages along the lines of
> "fix my servlet", and who asked me WHY I rejected those posts...

I have a quick question, more out of idle curiosity than anything else.
I assume that only posts from non-subscribers are being moderated, yes?
I am basing that assumption on the inevitable monthly posts from the
rocket scientist who cannot unsubscribe him/herself from the list.

Unless, of course, those too are moderated but allowed to pass because
it has become something of a tradition. I would actually miss the
entertainment at this point, as the "Village Idiot of the Month" parade
has been around for as long as I can remember. Plus, I get precious few
opportunities as it is to feel a little better about myself by
witnessing the bumblings of people even more hapless than me! =)

- Christopher

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