jean-frederic clere at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "Pier P. Fumagalli" wrote:
>> jean-frederic clere at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Clere Jean-Frederic FSC EP LP COM 5 wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have started to test mod_webapp I have some complains:
>>>> - It needs gnu make but could have used normal make. - Should I change it?
>>>> -
>>>> - When configuring APR I need to pass some parameters:
>>>>   CC=/usr/bin/cc \
>>>>   ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-threads
>>>>   (I will add this to the README.txt)
>>>> - The make build the java part but it needs CLASSPATH... (We use ant
>>>> everywhere,
>>>> why using make for mod_webapp).
>>> If we are not using ant what about using
>>> --with-tomcat=_directory_where_tomcat_is_installed to find the catalina.jar
>>> file we need?
>> No, I don't like it... As the Java part will always be distributed with
>> Tomcat 4
> Why? I was thinking it was nice to be able to just add the war.jar file to get
> the connector in TC 4.0.

Nope... The official _stable_ WARP code is distributed with Tomcat 4.0, and
resides in that CVS... The one you download from jakarta-tomcat-connectors
is the "working copy"... As soon as I tag a "stable" version, that gets
copied over into the official repository...

If will change apjava.m4, so that if you don't specify --with-jdk, you won't
compile java (remove the compile task, and remove all dependancies)
sometimes in the future... Now it's not a priority (the priority is to have
that piece of shit to pass the watchdog tests, soooooo....).

Maybe next week.


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