On Wednesday July 25, 2001 Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > However,
> >
> > 1. I tried my damndest and couldn't get the JavaService to work with
> > Tomcat on an NT server that I have.
> > I tried javaserv, srvyany, etc. Nothing worked for me. *Very very
> > frustrating*, and I can usually figure out just about anything. That is
> > why I wrote the TomcatService program. I, from an Apache/Tomcat user's
> > point of view, just want Tomcat to work. Period. Tomcat is what I need.
> > Tomcat should be the focus, NOT installing it and getting it to run.

I'm also curious as to what specifically would not work for you. A lot of
people have downloaded JavaService and I don't recall anyone who I was
not able help at least get the service working. If there is some problem,
I would like to get it fixed so that I don't encounter it someday myself.

> > 3. JNI, by definition, has to use native code anyway. With TomcatService
> > we have more of the native code under "our control".
> I want GOOD system integration; that means I want Tomcat to look like a
> native process, and to behave like a native process.

This is one of the reasons I wrote with JNI in the first place. I wanted
the process to show up as tomcat.exe not as java.exe in the task manager.
When you've got four or five Java based services running and they all are
simply listed as java.exe it's a pain to figure out what going on
sometimes. Also, I didn't really want to have to start a whole seperate
JVM to stop a service using a socket, I would rather have a seperate call
made into the existing JVM to limit memory and cpu use.

If you decide to include JavaSerive as part of Tomcat I'd be willing to
help with any changes that are necessary to use it.

Elijah Roberts

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