Was there ever any resolution to the docs discussion on -general?  I wish I
could contribute to a doc gen or format tool conversation, but I'm far from
an expert in that field.  Standing up and waving my arms about the whole
topic probably isn't going to do much either, so I'll talk about something
else for now =)

Right now, the current structure of the docs (index.xml) looks like this:

- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Administrators
- App Developers
- Tomcat Developers

The "Introduction" and "Getting Started" sections are pretty much done -
there are documents on building, installing, and running Tomcat in there
now.  Craig is working on porting the "App Developers" guide this weekend.

What's the top priority for the "Administrators" section?  Did anyone take a
look at the "Running Multiple Instances" thing?  Was that like, too
worthless to even comment on? =)

- r

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