On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Rob S. wrote:

> Was there ever any resolution to the docs discussion on -general?  I wish I
> could contribute to a doc gen or format tool conversation, but I'm far from
> an expert in that field.  Standing up and waving my arms about the whole
> topic probably isn't going to do much either, so I'll talk about something
> else for now =)

It's not formally resolved, but it's time for us to just "do
something" instead of just talk about it.

> Right now, the current structure of the docs (index.xml) looks like this:
> - Introduction
> - Getting Started
> - Administrators
> - App Developers
> - Tomcat Developers
> The "Introduction" and "Getting Started" sections are pretty much done -
> there are documents on building, installing, and running Tomcat in there
> now.  Craig is working on porting the "App Developers" guide this weekend.

You can see the fruits of my labors in the "tomcat-docs" web app.  This
can be generated (if you've got the source distribution) by typing "ant
tomcat-docs" at the top level.  I'm also going to upload a snapshot of the
output to the Tomcat web site for easy perusal.

If you've got some text, I'd like to try integrating it into the
"tomcat-docs" experiment.  The Anakia stylesheet that was written for
jakarta-site2 (and therefore the XSLT version that I checked in, because I
tried to be as similar as possible) has some real quirks when you try to
use it for different projects -- but the document content itself should be
able to be pretty independent of that.

You'll also note that I punted on the Getting Started and just linked in
the text files from the top-level directory of the distribution.  I'm fine
with doing whatever's appropriate, but we do need *something* in text-only
format there, and we should minimize duplication that will require things
to be updated more than once later.

> What's the top priority for the "Administrators" section?

IMHO, documenting the various settings in server.xml is critical.  It
really needs to be done in at least two flavors -- reference material on
all the possible options (pretty much done in HTML, needs to be
converted), and a more "user's guide" approach to "if you want to do
this, here's how you do it."

The current docs try to mix these styles a little, and I'm not so sure it
is very effective.

>  Did anyone take a
> look at the "Running Multiple Instances" thing?  Was that like, too
> worthless to even comment on? =)

It's on my list to look at, honest!  As a general organizational note, are
you thinking of having a section of the Administrator's Guide for "one
pager" topics like this?  Or are you thinking these are more chapters or
sections in something that feels like one overall document?

> - r

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