--- Vishy Kasar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to support persistent failover, we have written our own
> Store
> class that writes session data to DB of our choice. We decided to use
> maxIdleBackups as that will save the data periodically to disk
> without
> getting rid of it in memory.
> PersistentManagerBase.processMaxIdleBackups() writes the session data
> to
> DB at periodical intervals irrespective of session has changed or
> not.
> I think it will be very valuable addition to add getDirty() and
> setDirty(boolean) methods to the Session interface. When

Wouldn't this require a change to the Servlet API?  This is probably
not the right list for that :)

> PersistentManagerBase saves the session contents, it can set dirty
> bit
> to false and from then onwards save the session only if the bit is
> set
> to true.
> Selected setXXX methods in StandardSession will set the dirty bit to
> true indicating that Session data has changed and it needs to be
> saved
> in the next save cycle by PersistentManager.

But what happens if in one servlet you put an object in the session,
then later, after the session has been saved, another request is
handled by a different servlet that get's the object from the session
and changes its state.

In this case, you have to have the cooperation of the application
developer to call setDirty(true) so you know something has changed.  

If you are going to rely on developers following some kind of
convention, it could probably be done without changes to the spec. 
What about asking them to call setAttribute("Dirty","True") whenever
they make a change?  Your PersistentManager could then remove the
attribute after a save. (not that I believe they would do this
consistently any more than they will call setDirty(true) )

Is there something I am missing?


> Let me know what you guys think of this useful optimization. I can
> contribute the code if necessary.
> --
> Cheers!

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