There were a few reasons that I didn't include a "separate mailing list"
option in the vote. There seemed to be more a little more support for
just having them come here to the dev list, and it's hard to effectively
call a vote on three options instead of two, so I picked the one that
would be more likely to pass.
Also, while I might technically have the ability to call for a vote on
anything, it's bad form to call a vote on something that you personally
cannot make happen. Since I do not have the ability to set up a new
mailing list, it would be the equivalent of me forcing more mailing list
duties on Pier.
Basically, I did the most that I could do. The only people who could
realistically called for a vote on a new mailing list are Jon (who isn't
in favor of it), Pier (who I think is fed up with the whole business at
this point :), and Craig (who didn't say one way or the other). As I
said, I don't personally care how they get into my inbox, so long as
they do. So in calling a vote, I simply played the percentages.
Incidentally, we miss you over, Paulo ;-)
- Christopher
* Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau!
* La moitié de ma vie a mis l'autre au tombeau.
* ---Corneille
Paulo Gaspar wrote:
> Christopher,
> Since you are the VOTE proponent, could you take a look at my previous
> suggestion:
> - having a "tomcat-bugs" mailing list;
> - having a _daily digest_ to "tomcat-dev" (which should refer the
> existence of the bugs list).
> It was made clear along this discussion that BUG messages were removed
> because people complained about clutter.
> The fact that they are faced as clutter by many defeats the idea of
> getting more eye balls posting them all one by one - people will "jump
> over" and ignore them just as everybody does to advertising banners.
> The daily bug digest + bug list still sounds like a nice compromise to
> me. I think that it is the best way to get more eye balls.
> Anyway, I know I would prefer it this way, but I have no Karma to do
> anything about that besides noise.
> Thanks and have fun,
> Paulo Gaspar
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Christopher Cain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 9:08 AM
>>I'm going to go ahead and call this, in the name of peace and
>>brotherhood :)
>>Whenever a bug is entered or modified on Nagoya Bugzilla, should
>>receive a copy of the automatic e-mail notification sent to the
>>[] +1 Tomcat-Dev should definitely be CC'ed a copy of the notifications
>>[] +0 Sure, why not
>>[] -0 I don't really care to see them, but I won't complain if I do :)
>>[] -1 Leave it alone (explain)
>>- Christopher
>> * Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau!
>> * La moitié de ma vie a mis l'autre au tombeau.
>> * ---Corneille
>> */