> I think we should tag the code with jk_1_4 ( considering the 
> jk that was
> included with 3.1 == jk1.1, etc ). It seems jk_1_4 will work
> with 3.3, 4.0.x and 4.1 ( and the C code can be used for 3.2.x for bug
> fixes ).

jk_1_4 is fine with me -- as long as it is tagged with something :)

> Regarding jk2, I'm still working, the current strugle is with the unix
> domain sockets ( since JFC commited the jk implementation, 
> and I promised
> I'll do the java side ). I did some more changes in mod_jk(2) 
> config, now
> seting "JkWebapp" in a Location context works for virtual 
> hosts and almost
> everything else. I do plan few more config changes - automatically
> restrict WEB-INF, etc, and I want to get at least basic info 
> out of the
> status worker. On the java side we have a first version, but 
> I still have
> to integrate it with either the interceptor/connector, or ( assuming
> everything works as it seems ) in JkServlet ( using what I 
> proposed last
> year, i.e. web.xml/'standard' servlets + 'trusted apps' + a 
> bit of magic).
> Sorry it takes so long, but I have a lot of other work to do...

i was thinking that for tomcat 4.0.2, the old stuff, jk/native,
jk/java/org/apache/ajp, would be considered the 'stable' (althought still
beta quality) code, and the new jk2, o.a.jk would be considered still
'experimental'.  just a thought, though - i don't know that much about the
new code :)

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