On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Martin van den Bemt wrote:

> * If you restart Tomcat, you must also restart Apache to avoid receiving
>   "Error 400 - Bad Request" errors.  This will be handled transparently
>   in the final release.

This should work fine with jk. We don't support yet 'gracefull'
restart for tomcat workers in lb case, i.e. have apache send only
requests for existing sessions until they expire - this is planned
for jk2.

> Also I saw a lot of commits come by for ajp (i think the new ajp14??). Can I
> be of any testing assistance in that area ?

There are 2 efforts going on:
- the stable jk1.x. We want to release it and it needs testing - the code
is very close to what was released with 4.0.1 and 3.3, with few additional
bug fixes, with the auto-conf generator for 4.x ( the code is there,
but hasn't been tested too much ).

- the new jk2. Things are getting into the right shape, it'll have
few major changes. Right now only apache2.0 adapter is written,
1.3 is easy and iis/nes will follow after everything is stable.
Among the changes - use Location for configuring the mapping
( and the native vhost/location url mapping ), no need for
workers.properties, unix domain sockets where possible
( i.e. better performance ), the java side has been optimized
( char->byte conversion, recycling, etc), more extensibility
and support for multiple protocols/transports. Also we'll
probably have a 'status' page and few more improvements in
lb ( I want to try the 'gracefull' shutdown - if I have time and
nobody does it first ). ( that's coupled with the status/control
worker, which would allow to dynamicly add/remove workers
and get status info )

For jk2 - testing would be good, but coding will be even better
at this stage. I think I'm mostly done with the 'big' refactoring
changes, but I need feedback and review of the new internal interfaces.
( and possible chaneges/enhancements/fixes )

I hope in few days to get it to work so more people can play with it, now
it's a bit challenging, it still have many hardcoded paths, the unix
socket is hardcoded too, etc. But I've got the 'hello world' servlet
working, so it's close :-)


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