>> No change in CVS tree, just in source to avoid conflict 
>> between mod_jk(s) even if one is a jk_module and the
>> other jk2_module ....
>> Rigth now, I'll wait for JTC developpers 'green ligth' to
>> do the changes in JTC native2 ONLY :)
>Green light from me. It's an excelent idea.
>Now a small problem - what about directives ? I don't think 
>you can have the same name in 2 modules ( I'm talking about
>httpd.conf ). 


>If we run them in parallel, it's a great pretext to use the
>new config style for native2 ( with Location, JkSet, Webapp, etc ).

+1, new JK, new config style 

>"JkSet foo bar" is equivalent with foo=bar in workers.properties.
>All jk2 settings can be done in either workers.properties or
>httpd.conf ( or both ). 
>The JkWebapp in a <Location> context allows setting per webapp 
>  JkWebapp worker ajp13
>JkMount is not needed in jk2 - Location is the recomended way to 
>mount ( it integrates with the native apache mapper ), and IIS-style
>urimap.properties should be the second mechanism ( if the internal
>jk mapper is used ).
>I think it's a good idea to use the new 'style' for jk2. When it's 
>ready, we can add back the jk1-style directives for backward 
>compatibility, but as long as jk1 is used in parallel it'll
>provide backward compat by itself.


I'm starting looking where to apply changes :)

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