> >
> > But what you are doing is a fork by all definitions that
> > I know.
> >
>  It's an alternative implementation of some of the Catalina
> interfaces, but it's clearly not a fork. I'm using this as a
> working definition: A fork refers to what you do in a revision
> control system when you want to work independently on two
> versions of the same code. By extension, on Open Source projects
> it means taking a copy of the code base and  making your own
> copy that isn't kept synchronized with the mainline branch.
>  MinTC steals a little bit of code from some of the
> o.a.c.core classes, but it doesn't copy any of them. What
> it uses of the Catalina code, it uses completely intact
> (I'm currently tracking CVS HEAD).
>  So it's not a fork. Forks suck. Alternative API implementations,
> on the other hand, are generally considered a good thing.
> Some spec processes even require them!

It has been developed separately (by you alone), with zero input from the
Tomcat community, does only share the interfaces and probably some of the
modules (realms and some thing like that, I presume) with Catalina, so as
far as I am concerned, any way you look at it, it is currently a fork.
Of course, that's how it currently is, it may not remain that way :)


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