>I must say I don't like autoconf too much :-)

Ditto, ant is better than m4 but we couldn't ask
people to have a jvm+ant+... to build native code ;(

>But I know many people find it easier, so I won't opose

Thanks and JF is a great specialist of autoconf

>At the moment the compilation of jk2 is controlled by 
>4-5 'defines', easy to include in a build.properties
>( which is used by both Ant-based and Makefile-based
>builds ). In addition, for Apache2's mod_jk2 we don't
>need autoconf - in fact I'm pretty convinced we shouldn't
>use it.

autoconf chould just detect apxs location and grab java 
include (jni)

>Assume you install an apache2 binary, compiled with a certain
>type of locking, shm, etc ( the stuff that is detected/selected
> at compile time on the build machine ). It can be very bad
>if mod_jk2 detects/selects different options, strange bugs 
>will happen. And it's a waste of time, the information is 
>already available in the build/ dir of apache2.
>Please try first the Makefile in jk/native2. If it doesn't
>fit your needs, I'm ok with an autoconf.

makefile.apxs allready works on native2 for apache 2.0
and apache 1.3 and configure just detect if APR should be
used for apache 1.3.

>Also, for building jni you can use the Makefile in jni/,
>it requires an apache2 binary to be installed ( or built )
>before - to get the libapr.so and includes. 

And it works when apache 2 / apr includes are in /usr/include/apache2
and libapr in /usr/lib

>IMHO apr should be used for all system-dependent stuff, 
>we shouldn't have to autoconf. 

exact, just have to set apxs location for apache module.
apxs know what to do to build a module, I submitted a 
patch some times ago to make apxs for Apache 2.0 
build modules with many dependants sources file, from
Ralf code in apache 1.3 apxs.
>As a secondary note, if anyone has some time we should
>look at sourceforge's ant-contrib and their CC task and
>eventually merge jkant into it, we shouldn't duplicate
>the effort. 

Hum, why didn't they include ant-contrib in ant cvs ?

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