Thanks for your answer.  That helps quite a bit.  Now I have another issue...

     [javac] Compiling 94 source files to 
g\apache\catalina\startup\ cannot resolve symbol
     [javac] symbol  : method 
setEntityResolver  (org.apache.catalina.util.Schema
     [javac] location: class org.apache.commons.digester.Digester
     [javac]         tldDigester.setEntityResolver(tldEntityResolver);
     [javac]                    ^
g\apache\catalina\startup\ cannot resolve symbol
     [javac] symbol  : method 
setEntityResolver  (org.apache.catalina.util.Schema
     [javac] location: class org.apache.commons.digester.Digester
     [javac]         webDigester.setEntityResolver(webEntityResolver);
     [javac]                    ^
g\apache\catalina\util\ cannot resolve symbol
     [javac] symbol  : method setPublicId  (java.lang.String)
     [javac] location: class org.apache.commons.digester.Digester
     [javac]             digester.setPublicId(publicId);
     [javac]                     ^
     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
     [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
     [javac] 3 errors

ile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

I checked out digester 1.3 and 1.2 and there does not seem to be a method 
setEntityResolver.  Or am I missing something?

Christian Gross

At 14:18 02/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>On Wednesday 02 October 2002 09:38 am, Christian Gross wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > So I worked myself through the various CVS sources and have a couple of
> > "official" position questions to ask.
> >
> > The CVS projects jakarta-tomcat-catalina and jakarta-tomcat-jasper, will be
> > forming the Tomcat 5 work?
>jakarta-servletapi-5, jakarta-tomcat-5, jakarta-tomcat-catalina,
>jakarta-tomcat-connectors, jakarta-tomcat-jasper, and jakarta-watchdog-4.0
>are the CVS repositories involved in Tomcat 5.0
> >
> > The CVS project jakarta-tomcat-4.0 is the 4.x branch?
> >
> > The CVS project jakarta-tomcat is anything before 4.0
> >
>Tomcat 3.x, at least.
> > The CVS project jakarta-tomcat-5.0 does nothing??????
> >
>It's the master project for the whole Tomcat 5.0 project. To use it, start
>with a directory like tc5-workspace. In that directory:
>export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic
>cvs co jakarta-servletapi-5
>cvs co jakarta-tomcat-5
>cvs co jakarta-tomcat-catalina
>cvs co jakarta-tomcat-connectors
>cvs co jakarta-tomcat-jasper
>then, in jakarta-tomcat-5 create a file with the following
>base.path = /home/sdowney/tc5-workspace/depends
>(replace /home/sdowney/tc5-workspace with path to your workspace. I don't 
>if relative will work. I stopped dinking when I got my build system to
>You need ant 1.5 to build Tomcat 5
>export ANT_HOME=/home/sdowney/tools/jakarta-ant-1.5
>ant download
>The download target in Tomcat 5 gets the necessary ancillary libraries to
>build the system. I'm using JDK 1.4, which has a few things built in. You may
>need to install some things in JDK 1.3, like JCE. I'm not sure.
>ant build
>ant test
>[Not many tests at the moment]
>If you're contributing, you may also want to do
>ant -Dfull.dist=on build
>That will force a full compile, rather than checking which optional 
>are available and setting things on or off based on the presense or absense
>of classes. That useful for building a customized version, but for testing
>purposes, a full build is better.
>To run the watchdog conformance test suite:
>ant watchdog
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Christian Gross
Software Engineering Consultant
North America: 1-450-675-4208
Europe +41.1.701.1166

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