Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Hi all,
> Before starting to release 5.0.x milestones, I would like to propose 
> having only one distribution for Tomcat 5.0.x, and standardize on what 
> the LE distribution contains (so well, it's more the other distribution 
> which gets removed).
> It has some advantages:
> - it is slightly smaller (less these days now that the XML parser has to 
> be shipped again with Tomcat)
> - runs as-is on JDK 1.3 (because of the Xerces inclusion)
> - 99% Apache or Apache-style licence (the JDBC 2 standard extension is 
> needed for JDK 1.3 DataSource support :-()
> - less user confusion
> The main "problem" is that the user will need additional downloads for 
> some of the more advanced features, and the package will also not run on 
> JDK 1.2 as is (but from what I've seen, JDK 1.2 compatibility may not be 
> a priority for developers).
> <ballot>
> +1 [ ] Yes, remove the LE distribution
> -1 [ ] No, keep both distributions
> </ballot>

I'm OK till we could add easily missing stuff to make Tomcat 5.0 works.

It's exactly what we does in project in our 'strict' 

There is 3 set of distro for Tomcat 4.1.12 RPMS :

- One is the full distro, including everything, so it's the same
   that jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12.tar.gz

- Second one is the LE distro, ie without XML parser, JDBC-STDEXT,

   In this case at install time, rpm install via symlink
   XML stuff (parser/apis) from a known location (/usr/share/java).

   The other components activation, mail, jdbc-stdext, jaas and jndi
   should be installed by users.

- In the strict mode, only tomcat jars, ie all jars (including
   jakarta-commons-*, servlet.jar, mx4j), should be present at rpm
   install time and will be automatically installed via
   symlink in tomcat directories.

So I'm fine with having a single tomcat distribution, if we explains
users WHERE it could find the missing jars.

And having a Tomcat 5.0 containing only 100% OSS stuffs seems natural
for an ASF project.

BTW, support should be added in TC 5.0 to detect missing jars, ie
JDBC-EXT, JNDI, JAAS, and automatically (with reports log) remove


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