Henri Gomez wrote:
>> This is likely the protection against reading anything outside the 
>> webapp root (see the "allowLinking" of FileDirContext), although I 
>> don't know how the digester will try to load the included file.
> Digester code is derived from XmlMapper which is able to locate entities 
> in ../../../ directories.
> My concern here is :
> Specs didn't mentions restriction on use of external entities outside 
> the webapp.
> So it should be granted by default isn't it ?
> I take a look at FileDirContext but I didn't understand what 
> allowLinking is ?
> So my question is : bug or feature ?

There's a pretty strict check on the canonical path of a resource which 
I added.
I consider it a security feature. I think a webapp should be self 
contained, so I think it's reasonable to have the check as the default.

"allowLinking" disables the check.

Don't be lazy, just do a search in FileDirContext ;-)


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