Remy Maucherat wrote:

I think the clustering features in Tomcat 5 should get an overhaul.
Despite some licensing dicrepancies, I plan to use JavaGroups for the
task (LGPL license), as well as some code which was donated a while ago
by Filip Hanik. Based on what is already done, the amount of work that will have to be done to have quality clustering features seems small.

Most of the current clustering API will be removed in the process, since
it doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, and didn't evolve past
experimental stage (if I am wrong on that, let me know).

I also plan to bundle JavaGroups with Tomcat 5, as it only adds a 1MB
standalone JAR. Configuring Tomcat for clustering will be quite easy
once all the code is in place.

I don't know if that plan is acceptable for everyone. Originally,
I -1ed the code submission because of licensing and absence of
integration with the existing Cluster API. The licensing issue is still there, but since the Cluster API now seems sort of dead, another solution has to be found (IMO, of course there's JK available).

Comments ?
I could be a full +1, if we could convince them to make JavaGroups BSD/Apache licence.

Or use something related with BSD license (see mod_backend)


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