Remy Maucherat wrote:
jean-frederic clere wrote:

Remy Maucherat wrote:

For 4.1.28:
[ ] Alpha
[x] Beta
[ ] Stable

My BS2000 is still not working OK.

Is it some kind of server powered by alien technology ? Or does it mean Bulls*** 2000 ? Cool name for a server if it does :-D

Best Server 2000 :-)

Anyway, I don't think anyone here can fix this without some help. First, is it a regression over older TC 4.1.x releases ?

No that is no regression, just that I need a little more time to finish my (EBCDIC) porting. But the problems I have found (and started to fix) may also exist on other platforms and there are quite a lot of change in this new release.


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