David Rees wrote:
> Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> >> I wouldn't call the current situation as "moderated" so much as
> >> "managed".  Is there a reason that the developers list allows posting
> >> from non-subscribers?  Or are these troubled addresses actually fully
> >> subscribed?
> >
> > All these addresses are fully subscribed (i.e. they responded to the
> > subscription confirmation message).  Only subscribed addresses may post
> > here.
> Note that most of these auto-responders are brain-dead enough that anyone
> can unsubscribe them by sending a blank message to the following
> addresses:

Good point.  As convenient as the "reply to confirm" system is, maybe 
it's time for mailing list program authors to come up with something
better.  Is this a configurable option for this list's software?


> Replace tomcat-dev with tomcat-user for auto-responders spamming that list.
> Unfortunately, as easy as it is to unsubscribe these addresses, they can
> become subscribed again so they need to be blacklisted.  Yoav, you
> currently handle blacklisting of these addresses, correct?
> -Dave
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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