Good morning All.
A recent initiative by Henri Gomez added support for a <style> block in the
return headers for /jkstatus pages,
        s->jkprintf(env, s, "<style>%s</style>\n", DEFAULT_CSS);
with the values passed in the block (DEFAULT_CSS) being a 'define' in the
program source.
A limitation of this approach is that to vary the 'colour scheme' requires
changing the source code file and rebuilding, neither step being desirable.

As an alternative to the above method I suggest use of an 'external'
stylesheet, which has the following advantages:

1. The choice of colour palette is made external to the program and easier
to try different variations.
2. It is in keeping with W3C preferences.

This change would require replacing the <style> block with a <link> block as
        s->jkprintf(env, s, "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css'
HREF='??'>\n" );

This approach raises two questions; what might the external stylesheet be
called and where might it be placed?
My suggestion for the first question is 'jkstatus.css' so that it might be
easily identified.
As to the second question, I see two possibilities:
1. A 'fixed' location relative to documentRoot, for example:
        s->jkprintf(env, s, "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css'
HREF='/styles/jkstatus.css'>\n" );
2. Use a variable (style) as a path parameter, such as:
        s->jkprintf(env, s, "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css'
HREF='%sjkstatus.css'>\n", style );
the parameter being of any form the web server can resolve to an actual disk

While the first method requires the least work to implement, the second
approach offers more flexibility for user environments. If the latter method
were adopted I see it as more appropriate to add the path variable (called
'style' above) as a property of the status worker rather than as a general
environment one.

By way of deciding a default 'jkstatus.css' that might be supplied with the
connector, at least three methods are feasible:
1. Implement a stylesheet that emulates the current default colour/style
2. Have the Developers choose one obtained by any method,
3. Make a 'request for suggestions' on the TC-user list.

Any comment on the content of this document is welcomed.

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