NormW wrote:

Hi from Down Under.


As an alternative to the above method I suggest use of an 'external'
stylesheet, which has the following advantages:


1. Implement a stylesheet that emulates the current default colour/style
2. Have the Developers choose one obtained by any method,
3. Make a 'request for suggestions' on the TC-user list.

I would like to suggest a 4. one:
test for presense of the the style property, and if not present fallback to
the hardcoded style Henri introduced.

* I don't see this as another method to obtaining a default stylesheet but
rather what to do if one isn't defined, much like so I guess:
if( style != NULL) {
         s->jkprintf(env, s, "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css'
HREF='%sjkstatus.css'>\n", style  );
else {
        s->jkprintf(env, s, "<style>%s</style>\n", DEFAULT_CSS);

Admittedly Henri's default <style> data isn't a big baggage, but another
approach would be to not output any style format at all in the 'else' case,
such as:
if( style != NULL) {
         s->jkprintf(env, s, "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css'
HREF='%sjkstatus.css'>\n", style  );
which is what /jkstatus was doing until Henri added the <style> block

Well I didn't like very well the hardcoded way, so I'd like to have it externally.

We could :

Define a stylesheet property var in, which will
contains a full URL and if this var is null, fallback to previous method.

What about ?

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