Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

I think that we need to change the thinking perspective

from TC being

a 'helper' to TC being a 'workhorse'.

Interesting idea Mladen.

Next idea.

If we drop Apache 2.0 support we need to have jk/jk2 jobs done somewhere :
What about Tomcat 5 & Coyote as a ajp13 dispatcher with advances and fine tuning rules, which could be updated in real time in via JMX ?

Yes something like that, It will allow mod_jk2 lb features and header
preproc, but in pure Java, and it'll need to expose some kind of the API,
usable from native code.
Having that in Java will allow dynamic config either using JMX or some other

Will it use ajp13 as a messaging protocol? I don't know yet.

The discussion is open :)

In fact we could need only a TC5 subset, mainly only Coyote HTTP 1.1.

To forward request to remote Tomcat we could use AJP or may be RMI ?

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