NormW wrote:

Good afternoon Henri.
In visualising the process of JkUriSet, arrived at the following in
pseudo-code. Shame I can't translate it to C otherwise I would offer a diff.

JkUriSet property, value
    /* Only allow inside a Location block */
    if (!<location> block) {
         log "error, JkUriSet not allowed here"
         return CONFIG_ERROR
    /* 2 Parameters - property and value */
    if (!property or !value) {
         log "error, missing parameter(s) - property and value"
         return CONFIG_ERROR
    /* The property must be in the setAttrInfo list */
    if(!property in setAttrInfo() ) {
         log "error, property not settable-", property
         return CONFIG_ERROR
    /* Create uri name using host, port, location */
     ...... ()
    if(!valid name) {
         log "error, missing or invalid data - ", host,port,context
         return CONFIG_ERROR
    /* Check for existing uri object - update it or create a new one */
    if(exist uri name) {
        point to it;
        log "warning, using existing uri object - ", name
    } else {
        status = create_uri()
        if(status !=OK) {
            log "emerg, create uri object failed - ", status
            return CONFIG_ERROR
        set uri object
        if(default_worker != NULL) {
            set group = default_worker
    /* Set passed property value but first set if it is set already */
    if (getAttr(property) != NULL) {
          log "warning, updating existing uri object property - ",
    if(setAttr(property, value)!=OK) {
         log "error, setting property failed - ", property,value
         return CONFIG_ERROR
    return OK.

Thanks to send a diff to latest code so I could commit it.

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