> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henri Gomez
> Mladen discussed about using PHP from Tomcat.

The point is better native integration, php support will be just an example
of such integration.

> Jean-Frederic Clere make some tests during his vacation and 
> send me the following mail to be forwarded to the list :
> ....
> Good news, tomcat+php it's easy, php allready have support for.

This module is totally unusable although it was written by Sam Ruby :(.
Also it doesn't support php5 and it's even removed from cvs.

Here are some statemets from one of the leading php developers (Sebastian

> about two or three times a month I receive mails concering the Servlet
> SAPI module of PHP 4.
> This module is not usable in production since it segfaults after the
>  first or second request.
>  Are there any plans to rewrite this SAPI module for PHP 5?


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