Mark Roth wrote:
From what I hear, the current PHPServlet is okay for simple things, but the integration you're looking for is not quite there yet.

There's some work going on to let Java and scripting languages act more friendly with each other. For those who are interested, check out JSR-223, Scripting Pages in Java Web Applications.

This JSR focuses on tight integration between PHP (or other scripting languages) and Java webapps. Zend is an active participant on the expert group and is interested in such integration.

I believe they're building their RI on top of Tomcat.

Cool stuff!

Yes, but it's actually the reverse of what I'm interested in :-)

From what I've read the JSR is more about allowing scripting languages to access and use java objects. It may look cool - but there
are already plenty of scripting languages targeting the JVM - jython,
mozilla's javascript, bsh, etc. There are 2 great things about scripting
languages, one is the simplicity of syntax and the ease of developing
code. This is IMO covered well enough by the variants targeting the VM.
( I believe cocoon is using javascript already ).

The other great thing about scripting languages is the large collection of existing extensions and scripts.

To use Apache as example - having Apache call native java modules for auth is interesting, but using the existing collection of apache modules is IMO the real value :-).
Apache is more than the HTTP stack ( and while we have a very good http
implementation in tomcat, I'm not sure we can match the amount of testing and review and stability apache's got ). And Python/PHP/etc are more than a syntax to use in a page.


--- Mark Roth, Java Software JSP 2.0 Specification Lead Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Costin Manolache wrote:

Nice :-)

Did you try it ? I'm curious, could you run a quick helo world benchmark ( helo.jsp / help.php ) ?

The big question is the level of integration - i.e. if you can call java
objects from php or use some of the nice PHP features from java.


Henri Gomez wrote:

Hi to all,

Mladen discussed about using PHP from Tomcat.

Jean-Frederic Clere make some tests during his vacation
and send me the following mail to be forwarded to the list :


Good news, tomcat+php it's easy, php allready have support for.
I make a simple try and here's the resulting 'readme' :
Using php in Tomcat5: Easy a servlet is available in php (I have tried with

configure the php with:
./configure --with-servlet=$TOMCAT_HOME --with-java=$JAVA_HOME
a jarfile and dynamic library are produced:
- sapi/servlet/phpsrvlt.jar
- libs/

Copy jarfile and arrange web.xml:
cp $PHP_HOME/sapi/servlet/phpsrvlt.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib
copy the $PHP_HOME/sapi/servlet/web.xml servlet and servlet-mapping in the

Start the Tomcat:
$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ start

Try it:
Create a file named ./webapps/ROOT/test.php containing:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Call it:

Patch for the configure of php:

---       2004-04-07 11:20:24.000000000 +0200
+++ configure   2004-04-07 11:22:50.000000000 +0200
     if test "$withval" = "yes"; then
+      if test -f $withval/common/lib/servlet-api.jar; then
+        SERVLET_CLASSPATH=$withval/common/lib/servlet-api.jar
+      fi
       if test -f $withval/lib/servlet.jar; then

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