
I have start a Server saved implementation.

- Externalize configuration saving out of StandardServer


*   splitt implementation from StandardServer class
*   refactor the current save methods to some helper classes
*   every save element from server.xml dialect has it own save factory
*   central Mbean that have a registry for save factories
*   save complete Server,Engine,Host or Context xml's
*   support cluster elements
*   implement with testcases

* configure the save factories from xml or properties files.
* better backup handling / not only for server.xml, also for context.xmls :-)

I hope the first implementation is ready at this weekend.


see some comments directly at the 5.next topics.


Remy Maucherat schrieb:

My upcoming change list:
- Attempt to redo a bit the deployer:
* remove the CL code which is there to avoid JAR locking (or at least
allow disabling this feature for non-Windows OSes); when enabling anti locking
code, move everything to a temp "deploy" folder where everything will be
referenced from; controlled by a "development" flag on the Context to allow
disabling this on Windows

Good option.

* move processing of context.xml to StandardContext (at the expense of
being able to specify the context class, which will move to an attribute
on the Host), as I realize it is important to get context level
configurability without adding too much complexity in the embedding
application; this could also go in ContextConfig, but this should be done in
another event (START occurs too late)

see some change requests at my today proposal... HostConfig/Deployer

- Use the webapp CL as the main CL (without the locking tricks it is likely
faster than the regular CL)
- Default servlet refactoring and optimization (avoid ResourceInfo class, MIME mapping matching)
- Resolve DBCP -> Pool -> Collections dependency which exposes too many JARs in the common classloader (using package renaming and some repackaging)
- Externalize configuration saving out of StandardServer

I can do that.

- Remove anything useless (spring cleaning time), such as configuration
options, container listeners (to be replaced with JMX notifications where
it matters), etc

Very good.
I have a made a NotificationEmitter Inteface support for StandardContext an StandardWrapper,
but it exist some problems at current JSR 77 notification support. Please look at my proposal or the bugreport


- BASIC auth optimization
- clutering module refactoring, to extend the regular Catalina objects, for
easier future maintenance

I have a talk with Rainer Jung, and his changes to cluster implementation looks very good.

- Possibly require JDK 1.5 (cleaner code, annotations, integrated JMX and JMX
remote, etc)

I have made prototype for mx4J JSR 160 support it looks very nice. Can't we refactor the ServerLifecycleListener also? http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29259

- And the ongoing: allow all config/management/embedding through JMX; note: I think this is almost there already (thanks Costin), so only a little tweaking will likely be needed


So there are still a number of big changes waiting to be implemented, and these should have a bigger impact than my initial changes. I'll do the deployer and classloader changes first, which is the biggest chunk.

When I'm done with the "remove anything useless" item, I'll propose a release plan. Any items to the list (anyone proposing something must be willing to timely implement what he's proposing, I'm not running a wish list ;) ) ?


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