Remy Maucherat wrote:

Jess Holle wrote:

I'll play with this as I have time, but I'll be doing the same sort of thing with our own app first.

As I see it (and I could be offbase, of course, as I've not had time to code this), one just needs a pluggable SPI sort of interface responsible for:

  1. A singleton get-or-create MBeanServer method
         * Default to platform MBeanServer in 1.5, but allow use of
           mx4j or the like
  2. An export MBeanServer for remote ops method
         * Details, e.g. protocols, ports / port ranges, etc, to be
           controlled by XML tags, of course

Am I over-simplifying this?

It's the exact opposite. With JDK 1.5, we need no pluggable something, no nothing. So this is why I really want to do that instead of bothering with more dead code.

In my case even with 1.5 I need a pluggable (2) from above. Why? Because I need to work with port ranges and grab the first free port (with MBeans then proxied to a daemon with a consistent port #). 1.5 has no automatic machinery for this as best I can tell.

It's true that (1) is simple getPlatformMbeanServer() [or whatever it is called again] in 1.5, but I believe it should be light and easy enough to stick something else under the covers here.

I'm ok with a special "JDK 1.4" package full of optional components being put together (assuming none of the new syntax gets used, of course), which could contain your listener and other JARs (like Xerces).

Cool. As I said though, I've got my own processes to instrument first. I'd just like to see Tomcat progress in a similar fashion so that one monitor Tomcat in the same fashion sooner rather than later.

Jess Holle

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