As I started the discussion thread on releasing mod_jk 1.2.6 a few days ago, I would also prefer to have the stable code released and not adding new features. Releasing 1.2.6 as-is would already be benefitial to many people.

Henri: thank you very much for preparing the release.

For post-1.2.6 releases: JkMount only gives the ability to seperate between Apache and Tomcat on the basis of: default handled by Apache and special things handled by Tomcat.

Now often the situation is reversed: complete contexts (detected by URL-prefixes) should be handled by default by the web container, and only special static objects (subdirectorie or, file name suffixes) by apache. So JkMountExclude would make a lot of sense.

Henri Gomez wrote:

David Rees wrote:

I would suggest leaving it for the next release of mod_jk, unless it is simple and there is little chance of it adding any regressions.


I'm puzzled with JkMount when I have to exclude some URL.

I won't do anything before release, if everybody agreed on a
quick 1.2.6 release.

But works should be conducted to add exclusions, may be also via

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