Hi all,

I've finished the connection pool for mod_proxy.
The proxy_http now uses the connection pool (cca 10% speedup for HTTP1.0,
the 1.1 should be even higher, but the ab doesn't support 1.1).
If someone is willing to test and chase the bugs, he's more then welcome :).

1. Porting the mechanism from http to proxy_ajp.
2. Using connection pool in ftp.
3. Actually build proxy_balancer [mturk]

- Still OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address on WIN32.
  I'll dig into it to find the reason.

- Assertion failed: rl->ntotal == 0, file .\misc\apr_reslist.c, line 164
  This manifests on server shutdown. I've probably done some mess with
  pool cleanup. It would be great if someone finds the cause :)


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