Cox, Charlie wrote:

I really hate comments like this. I'm glad you have plenty of free time to
upgrade to 5.x.

Sorry to rankle you, but let's be honest -- if you want to be able to move forward you have to keep looking ahead. Either your app is so portable (and likely thus rather simple) that feel you can just snag the latest servlet engine du jour and use it -- or you keep an eye to (and some testing time slated for) future versions of servlet engines (and other components) you use.

If your app is in pure maintenance mode and you're not moving it forward, then by all means pull back 1 patch at a time as appropriate.

So right now from a business perspective, upgrading because it's there is
not a reason to upgrade. If I perceive that 4.x is slow for my application,
then I have a reason to upgrade. If I need the new listeners, status
monitor, or other enhancements, then I will consider an upgrade.

Getting all the bug fixes that would be in a hypothetical 4.1.31 (and setting yourself up to get those that would be in a hypothetical 4.1.32 and those that are already in 5.0.27 for that matter) are quite possibly ample reasons for one to upgrade -- and are a lot more than "because it is there".

Jess Holle

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