The main use case is when I lurked in geronimo. When a build in geronimo fails - it creates a *massive* email which I as a lurker really don't care about. It also took forever to download of a highspeed line. I also recevied wiki updates when subscribed to the cvs commits which I didn't care about.

The information is important .. if you care about that specific topic, otherwise its "spam".


Yoav Shapira wrote:

Actually, I'm -0 teetering on -1 for this ;)  It's not spam, it's important
information for everyone working on Tomcat.  Frequently it's these emails
that trigger the most serious discussions and the most catching of errors.
It's easier for me to subscribe to one list and create rules to filter stuff
out than it is to subscribe for three lists.  But since either is a 1-time
effort, I'm only -0 and would be OK if Tim and others (whose votes are
binding, unlike this one) really wanted it.

Yoav Shapira
System Design and Management Fellow
MIT Sloan School of Management / School of Engineering
Cambridge, MA USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan H. Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:47 AM
To: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: SV: New TLP draft


I think burrying new potential contributors in auto generated spam is a
bad practice.

Jan H. Hansen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 6. april 2005 19:41
Til: Tomcat Developers List
Emne: Re: New TLP draft

Looks good. Just an idea, it may be nice to have the 3 new lists

tomcat-bug - bug updates from bugzilla. When I subscribe to other groups
- I
sometimes do not care about bug updates and need to write filters to
automatically delete them. I am guessing some others might be more
in the dev discussion and not the bugs.

tomcat-cvs  - Same as tomcat-bug but just for cvs commits.

tomcat-gump  - For deaths by gump. If your not a committer - these are
useless to someone.


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