Would this work? Or request restricted access to only
- jakarta-tomcat-jasper
- jakarta-tomcat-catalina/webapps/balancer

The user id id would be prefixed or suffixed with soc. This also assumes no binding voting rights.

- Drop the soc from the userid ?
- Let them be full committers ?
- Other?

Since tomcat seems to be one of the last ones in cvs - I am not sure how using svn will work with respect to this.

Do we need a vote so we can make the appropriate requests to infrastructure?


Yoav Shapira wrote:

How should code be accepted for these?
- Create a new sandbox?
- Place on SF then have the mentor commit as needed

SF CVS doesn't work well enough IMO. Maybe the ASF will have a
repository that can be used as a staging area.

- Full commit for the student

I suspect it could happen fairly quickly.

We've been planning to give the students commit access to just their section
of code, or an entirely separate repository.  Remy's suggestion of SVN first
is good, because SVN allows configuring commit access to users on a
directory level.

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