I'm virtually back from vacation ;)  Still traveling, but now for business, and
therefore lugging my laptop along.  Thank you for the inquiry ;)

--- Ashly Mathew Varghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just out of context.. What happened to Yoav?

> - Migrate to tomcat.apache.org.

IIRC, we were going to do that after the SVN migration.  Mark is doing a great
job with the SVN task, with Henri and infra's help.  I'd estimate no more than
another month to complete the SVN migration, right?

> - Release a new stable 5.5.x.

Yup.  5.5.11 should be a good step in that direction: I'll download and play
around with it, but I think the changelog looks great in that it's mostly fixes
to known issues, nothing crazy, and therefore should make a good build.

> - Implement Servlet API 2.5:
> There are few changes, except support for some annotations (which are
> optional, but as Tomcat supports all web related optional J2EE features
> ...). The result would be very similar with Tomcat 5.5, with the
> possibility of Java 5 related code cleanups (Servlet API 2.5 mandates
> Java 5).

Yes.  I have to say I'm happy with the current Servlet 2.5 draft: from our
perspective, it's not much serious new work, we can remove a couple of annoying
special case paths through the code, and we get to dismiss the compat package.

We may want to continue making 5.5 releases for a little while after Tomcat 6.0
is out, as I expect a bunch of users will still using JDK 1.4.

Side note on this: the name for the CVS (or actually, SVN) area for Servlet API
2.5.  I'd prefer servletapi-2.5 for clarity, even though it breaks the pattern
of jakarta-servletapi and then jakarta-servletapi-5 that we have used to date.

> - Implement JSP 2.1: it's a significant effort, and the issue is that
> there doesn't seem to be anyone available. Any ideas ?

The biggest unaddressed issue on the table at the moment, I agree.  I need to
look through the spec draft myself.  Are the gurus (kin-man, etc.) not around
and not available to help out?

Also, similar side note on CVS/SVN location: perhaps we put it in jspapi-2.1
instead of servletapi-6?


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