Yoav Shapira wrote:
I'd estimate no more than
another month to complete the SVN migration, right?

Work commitments permitting, certainly within a month and quite possibly less.

Side note on this: the name for the CVS (or actually, SVN) area for Servlet API
2.5.  I'd prefer servletapi-2.5 for clarity, even though it breaks the pattern
of jakarta-servletapi and then jakarta-servletapi-5 that we have used to date.

My original svn migration proposal suggested

I like keeping the directory naming aligned with the rest of the Tomcat repository. It makes it easier for new users to find their way around. As part of the new TLP site, we need to add areas that have previously been handled by Jakarta including version control repositories. I think this is where we make the mapping between Tomcat versions and Servlet/JSP versions clear.

Also, similar side note on CVS/SVN location: perhaps we put it in jspapi-2.1
instead of servletapi-6?

I think the spec team get to decide this. I had assumed they would do something similar to the servletapi-5 and have jsr154 and jsr245 directories under the root directory (which in svn would be \tomcat\servletapi\trunk - the current trunk having been moved to \tomcat\servletapi\branches\tc5.x.x\).


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