Mark Thomas wrote:
Remy Maucherat wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

I think the spec team get to decide this. I had assumed they would do something similar to the servletapi-5 and have jsr154 and jsr245 directories under the root directory (which in svn would be \tomcat\servletapi\trunk - the current trunk having been moved to \tomcat\servletapi\branches\tc5.x.x\).

I don't know if the spec team is actually still responsible for these repositories, such as if they intend to add the Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 API source there. If the don't, we can switch to a more OSS friendly access and management style.

Who do we need to talk at the spec team about this?

At least Jan would know, and he seems to be reading the list. Maybe they haven't quite decided what to do.


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