On Wednesday October 25, 2000 David Knaack wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm running Tomcat 3.1 with several virtual hosts, and
> with Sun's JDK1.2.2 I had no problems.  However, I needed
> to upgrade to JDK1.3.0 for another package, and now when
> I start up Tomcat I'm getting about 11 instances of 'java'
> starting along with each virtual host.
> With 5 virtual hosts I've got over 50 java processes running,
> which I'd like to get rid of.
> Am I doing something to cause the extra processes to start,
> or is it a bug or what?

Are using jdk1.3 for Linux? If so they aren't really processes, they're
threads. It's just that in Linux with the ps command it lists each thread
as a seperate processes. As far as I can tell, most of the memory is
shared, so it really isn't using as many resources as it seems,
hopefully. If you're not using Linux, just ignore me...

Elijah Roberts

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