On Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 04:47:22PM -0400, Jan Labanowski wrote:
> I am afraid, you are out of luck... But I hope someone will say I am wrong...

Bzzzt. Sadly, you're completely right. Java has no knowladge of
the UNIX security architecture.

> But of course, you can always start Apache as root to listen to port 80
> and talk to tomcat, which does not have to run as root if its
> Connctor runs on a port > 1024 (say 8007).

Or run Tomcat's httpd (although I wouldn't recommend that on 3.x)
somewhere above 1024, and port forward to it using ipchains,
ipfwadm, or if you're really hip and happening, iptables. This
solution will be lighter than apache if you're running totally
dynamic stuff, because all the redirection is done in kernel


Paul Russell                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Director,                   http://www.luminas.co.uk
Luminas Ltd.

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