
I would like to write a servlet that  intercepts http
requests, and optionally rebuilds and redirects
them to other (remote) servers.
Httpclient should work fine.
ehm .. which one ? the apache/commons ?
oops ... Jakarta Httpclient.

ok. but it's too restricted, it only supports some basic methods http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/methods.html I think I'll go with ballarke http://www.geocities.com/ballarke/Projects/HttpClient/

>So you will
- intercept the incoming request.
- depending on the request, ask another server for data.
- Mangle the other server data
- feed back to client.
yep :-)

This sounds like reinventing the wheel since there is XML-RPC or SOAP.
(See apache axis project for more info)
? but ... I suppose the remote server should support that, then ?
I was planning to 'proxy' to plain web(dav)services.

but I think I'm right on track now

(hmm .. how a about a HttpRemoteRequestDispatcher class ... hmm...)

+ give luck a chance

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