
>i downloaded the lastes tomcat-version (for windows xp!), installed it
>right as the installer did. called once "localhost" and i got the
>greeting-screen from tomcat (meant: installation was ok!).


>but then the problems began. how to get my  site into tomcat. all the
>ways i tried failed. there was always the same problem: the
>/<mywar>/index.jsp was found, but the other files weren't: instead of
>/<mywar>/<anydir>/<anyjsp>.jsp it looked for in /<anyjst>.jsp!! so with
>the servlets: i coded "/<mywar>/servlet/<anyservlet>" and it looked for

If you have a war file, simply copy it into tomcat's webapps directory.
Links in your servlets, JSPs, HTML pages should be appropriately
relative. Give us an example of a link that doesn't work: I bet it's a
link to /servlet/myservlet as opposed to /mywar/servlet/myservlet or
better yet ../servlet/myservlet.

You should map all your servlets in web.xml.

>questions: can i use tomcat "just right out of the box" or is this a
>too privimitive way to use this heavy program?

Yes, you can use it right out of the box: it's designed for that.

>must i install apache as well or is tomcat sufficient?

You don't need Apache at this point: tomcat by itself is fine.

>where should i look for a solution for my (for me: heavy) problem??

This is the place.

Yoav Shapira

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