
i produced a site with netbeans (has integrated tomcat, as you surely know). now i wanted to test it with "real-"tomcat. i must say, that i'm a real beginner with this!

i downloaded the lastes tomcat-version (for windows xp!), installed it right as the installer did. called once "localhost" and i got the greeting-screen from tomcat (meant: installation was ok!).

but then the problems began. how to get my site into tomcat. all the ways i tried failed. there was always the same problem: the /<mywar>/index.jsp was found, but the other files weren't: instead of /<mywar>/<anydir>/<anyjsp>.jsp it looked for in /<anyjst>.jsp!! so with the servlets: i coded "/<mywar>/servlet/<anyservlet>" and it looked for </servlet/<anyservlet>.

in netbeans all works fine.

questions: can i use tomcat "just right out of the box" or is this a fas too privimitive way to use this heavy program?
can i conde paths like "/servlet/<anyservlet>" or must i code "servlet/...", should it be "<anyjsp>.jsp" rather than "/<anyjsp>.jsp".??
must i install apache as well or is tomcat sufficient?

where should i look for a solution for my (for me: heavy) problem??

please help me to get on the way.

greetings from salzburg/austria/europe
hans horwath

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