At 10:01 AM 5/11/2003, Christopher Schultz wrote:

HTTP POST information doesn't go in the headers, so you should still be okay. As long as you aren't senting huge amounts of information via a GET request, or you are sending like a million cookies or something.

True - it is definitely using POST...

What is so big that's in your headers? I would think that 8k would be sufficient for headers...

What is it that XForms does that generates so much header information?

Hmm - it doesn't appear that there is anything that big in my headers (the form itself contains a lot of information in a grid/table). Using LiveHttpHeaders doesn't highlight any issues (although it won't display the failed POST), but as soon as I add 1 byte to the form to push it over the 8k limit (Apache's access log reports POST /chiba-0.9.2/jsp/debug-instance.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 8193) then I get an error from mod_jk "[error] Error ajp_process_callback - write failed"

Some sort of bug in mod_jk? (although it happens using both mod_jk and mod_jk2).

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