JNDI adds a little performance penalty (extra overhead), and provides you more independency from the database layer. If that independency is not much important for you, your current configuration will probably suit better ;-)

Apart from this, if your app serves video content, a careful tunning of your servlet output buffer size, and number of concurrent client connections will probably be the best point to optimize. Just curiosity, where do you store the video clips? file system, oracle or somewhere else?

kgsat wrote:

Hi Rodrigo Ruiz
Thanks for your response.I have been using oracle conneciton pooling
features in my singleton db class for the faster connectivity with the
database from my application.
Should i go for a JNDIDatasource model for the better db access or the
current one will serve the needs.My application is a video download
application meant for the members of the site.
U have any thing to suggest with respect to database access ?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rodrigo Ruiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: Which is the winner----Singleton Class or Base Servlet????

Both techniques have their advantaes and disadvantages. A singleton
class usually has problems when reloading the context. Using a Servlet
Base for JSPs makes you container version dependent (As the minimum
implementation required can change among jasper versions).

Anyway, the performance improvements you can achieve selecting between
these two options are probably minimal. Depending on your webapp DB
load, you could obtain a greater performance boost using a connection
pool. Look at the "JNDI DataSource HOW-TO" for more info about this :-)

Hope this help,
Rodrigo Ruiz

kgsat wrote:

Dear experts,

It may not be appropriate to ask this doubt here.Though i am aware of it

, i

chose to ask here thinking that experts would forgive me.

Now the doubt is.......

In a web application, what is the performance difference of using


class and a base servlet to do the database related operations such as
loading the driver, obtaining the dbURL and obtaining the connection
instance for further db operations.
I use a singleton class for my db requirements in jsps and servlets and


in other beans.
One of my friends suggests that using base servlet to do the same work is
more efficient.
Can any one throw some more light on this topic.i want to improve the
performance of my web application.
Any white papers or pointing URLs are given astounding welcome.
thanks and regards

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